National Grief-in-Public Day 23 april

Idag, 23 april, är det National Grief-in-Public Day. All death workers unite!

Imagine the feeling of relief that would flood our whole being if we knew that when we were in the grip of sorrow or illness, our village would respond to our need. This would not be out of pity, but out of a realization that every one of us will take our turn at being ill, and we will need one another. The indigenous thought is when one of us is ill, all of us are ill. Taking this thought a little further, we see that healing is a matter, in great part, of having our, connections to the community and the cosmos restored. This truth has been acknowledged in many studies. Our immune response is strengthened when we feel our connection with community. By regularly renewing the bonds of belonging, we support our ability to remain healthy and whole.

Francis Weller, The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief
Här knyter vi ihop oss på modul 3 av dödsdoulautbildningen. Forever together.
Passar bra ihop med allt det andra!

Igår hade jag fullt upp med mina birthworkers och idag blir det andra änden på temat.

Jag har inte planerat in något särskilt i ämnet tyvärr, visste att jag skulle vara lite slut av gårdagens konferens, men jag skall ändå träffa min bästaste syster som sörjer och mysa lite tillsammans med hennes bästa vän. Jag har kvar massor av fjärilar sedan begravningen så kanske kan vi dra till kyrkogården och göra något med dem. Kanske vi också knyter ihop oss på ett eller annat sätt 🥰